sabato 11 gennaio 2014


Who has more than forty years will remember the film Shampoo with a super sexy Warren Beatty and the beautiful Julie Christie and Goldie Hawn. Legend has it, that the film was inspired by the life and deeds (loving-working) of Vidal Sassoon. I've seen and reviewed this movie a million times, indeed, if a little 'dated (1975) I recommend it. Being the daughter and granddaughter of hairdressers, I  well know the dynamics
that bind man-hetero-hairdresser and client. it goes without saying!

This premise to get to talk to the different psychological relationship that binds the customer to his or her trusted stylist.
The craft of hairdressing, hairdresser or hair stylis if you prefer, is almost as old as the world and was established primarily as a male profession. The etymology of the word hairdresser comes from the French "Perruque" which means wig, in fact since ancient Egypt, men and women covered their heads with wigs that were patiently prepared by wonderful artisans. The "Combing" or in latin "Ornatrices"  were actually slaves who were responsible for styling the hair, being severely punished if the result did not satisfy their mistress.

Little has changed since then. like it or not male hairdressers have an impact on his client very different and more effective, than a woman who does the same job.
My grandfather Giovanni was a very handsome man and I think he has not done anything missing. Deep connoisseur of hair and... women. My uncle Celeste was beautiful, famous and bachelor. Should I add anything else? and what about my father? Women were crazy for him. They waited for hours just to get their hair cut without ever complaining. I think my mom has had a lot of trouble with him in those years, so much so that I always swore to myself that I would never, ever engaged, much less married, with a hairdresser. Obviously you can not do the whole herb bundle.I know lots of men hairdressers and I almost always feel that whether they are married or not once they arrive in the salon all of them get a huge virtual written on their foreheads. "FREE" or at least that is the attitude that is perceived by women. This does not necessarily mean that the two could potentially have a liason but in a sense the phrase that reads "flirting is an attraction without intention" would be a good motto. The women, even the most timid, love this veiled way of flirting that is in the DNA of the male hirstylist. Regardless of his sexual identity. Women LOVE gay hairdressers and is not a cliché. Generally good-looking, in good shape, with a sensitivity and creativity equal to anyone else. I know many and love them. I watch the reaction of  their customers, with adoring eyes hanging from their lips. Sometimes laughing and joking they say very tranchant things without really  that their client break up a millimeter.I as well as my women colleague instead must be very careful about how I speak. Over the years I learned the hard way that you need to do a few questions, listen much, do not do compliments exaggerated if the customer is not exactly Grace Kelly and maybe opt for a "You look very nice" Being honest pays. I get annoyed if I go into a store to buy a dress and the clerk tells me "U look stunning" when the mirror says otherwise. so I'm always very careful.

One thing that makes me really enjoy my job is observe  when there are men and women hairsylist in the same room and the reaction of customers when the compliment or comment is made by one or the other. Psychologically, a woman is always much more responsive to the kind  compliment of a man. whether he is attractive or not.
Among women is different, as there is always a kind of innate rivalry, not rationally perceived. Is a little as if is never a really sincere compliment even if in fact it is not so, this especially when it comes to their appearance. Usually a woman who chooses a hairstylist of the same sex feels easier to tell her about her private life, make a joke a bit 'over the top or vent about her work, her husband or boyfriend, take a rumor. In short we can call it, the healthy complicity that exists between women. I know it sounds strange but we women are made so simply complicated. With the man the relationship is a bit more detached but as I said before most engaging, with fewer digressions and personal, with some sort of tacit agreement that says, "Make me beautiful as if you loved me."

I do not want to be an expert in psychology but I've been in this field  for over thirty years. I have worked in many places and in many parts of the world. I had the gift of being able to observe, to be curious. I love to read about non-verbal communication and psychology. I am a woman who sees so many women every day, I know men well enough and last but not least I have a father hairdresser I would know something even if I woulden't want  to.

So to conclude, choose a hair stylist that makes you feel psychologically comfortable, be it man, woman, straight, gay or trans. And if you really fall in love, you have to know that fidelity is not a gift of the wizards of scissors.

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