martedì 14 gennaio 2014

Time for us.

As most women who work, for me is almost impossible to find a little space to dedicate to myself. Excluding work, that takes up most of our day, we have to find time for: children, house and all it concearn, husband / partner who wants us beautiful but needs his attentions, friends (necessary) and so on. Sunday is not very different for many of us, there is no work but family is there. So to carve out moments just for ourselves is an impossible venture but do not despair. Often we are make the impossible become possible.
If I think to myself, I think about three quarters of women's world. The work I do requires me to always be in order so I thought I'd share with you my little beauty secrets that will allow you to relax and be beautiful every day of week.

 Hair,  face and hands are the body parts tha we expose more, therefore, the ideal is to wash them a couple of times a week.  When they are clean, shiny, fragrant, they stay healthier and  give a touch of elegance to any outfit . Shampooing is for me a moment of relaxation. I like to get up a bit earlier in the morning to make sure they dry completely and the blowdrying is fixed, so that the next day they are still in order. There is nothing more beautiful than to get up when everyone is asleep in the house and silence reigns. Breakfast, two pieces of news on TV and I run under the shower. If I the have time I quickly scrub the body while the water warms up  (once a week or every ten days is enough) removes dead skin cells, leaving it smooth and slightly hydrated.
 If my choices of products for the face and body are priced fairly low on shampoo I don't compromise. Of course for me it's easier to reach good quality products but if I run out of it I prefer to buy one at the pharmacy rather than one by large retailers. On this subject, there would be a lot to say and I will do so as soon possibile. Going back to us. Shampooing in the shower is the easiest thing but in lack of time, shower in the evening and in the morning, wash it head down in the sink or in the bathtub. Dirty hair makes me feel a mess even if I wear a dress that I really like. So, two shampoos if you have gone more than three days after the last wash, one if it's been two.Tthe first must be deeper and devoted to the skin, the second, lighter and faster to wash the hair lenght. If you follow my advice you will see that the hair will be really clean (washing them is less simple than you think). The conditioner is an important care for the hair beauty. If you wash your face, regardless of your skin type, whether is oily, normal or dry, do you use ither a cream or a fluid? Yes ? Then the same goes for the hair. Even if they are greasy. I apply the conditioner before I wash the body, only on the length so is posing a few minutes and I rinse them last. A little trick, if you have them long, dodn't reanse them too much. to the touch they should be soft and silky and not as if you had sprayed degreaser on them . I get out of the shower, I do a turban with the towel and massage quickly and slightly scented moisturizer (even smell wants its share of pleasure) and I step to the face with tonic and cream.

You want a fast, fast make-up? BB or CC cream, eye concealer,  lot's of mascara, a touch of blush and an important lipstick (red or burgundy). If you do not have very bushy eyebrows, use a taupe or brown pencil to outline the bow. It donate a little punch to the eye despite of the general light effect of the make-up .
Makeing- Up before drying your hair is a good way to avoid to put circlets or hair grips which might ruin our beautiful blowdry. Even if u feel the hair completely dry they still might get bad folds. While the hair is in the turbant get already half way dry so the blowdrying will be faster.

Another good time for beauty treatments is the evening. Dishes washed, children in bed, husband on the couch.
The mask is an important beauty treatment for skin and hair. With regard to the face, do a slight peeling and then a moisturizing or normalizing mask depending on the type of skin, or instead of the peeling use a peel-off mask to eliminate dead cells. For the hair, instead, choose a Sunday. maybe I steal a half hour to sleep but it's worth it. I shampoo and don't rinse the mask off  in the shower but I leave it in that even twenty minutes. If I'm in a hurry I wrap it in a hot towel for five to ten minutes or, if time is on my side in plastic wraping paper for about twenty minutes. It's good to remember that the mask is a treatment and not a detangler so rinse it very thorough,  then apply a conditioner suitable for your hair type.

Usually for manicure, pedicure and waxing I go to the beautician, but to maintain her work in hands and feet until the next appointment, I apply every night a moisturizer suitable for both. Once a week I use an electric epilator so keep a decent look as well on my legs. A good advice, that perhaps it will seem obvious or maybe not, is always better to use the epilator after the shower because the pores are more open. The operation will be less painful, the hair will come out more easily and it will take less time.
Needless to say, make-up off at night is MANDATORY. If you are tired use a specific tissue cleanser but normally: cleanser, Ph acid soap and face tonic. A little secret. after rinsing your face thoroughly, take a terry towel, moisten it with cold water and make two or three wraps for about a minute then apply your usual night moisturizer with your face still humid. My dermatologist gave me this advice and belive me is a true and easy anti-aging beauty care at any age.
When you read, all these operations seem very long, but I can assure you that in matter of time, they are not. The important thing is to make them thinking that these moments are just for yourselfs. Harmonized across may be a plus. Light a scented candle or incense in the bathroom.The soundtrack? for me without a doubt chillout music.


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